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One of the most successful film tunes interpreted by one of the most successful German DJs.
The beginning of the success story of SCOTTY in 2008. For over 10 years now, he has been able to rule the charts with "THE BLACK PEARL" over and over with new mixes of the title track of the successful cinema saga with the result of tens of millions of streams and downloads worldwide.
The track is still a must for almost all DJs - no matter what sound is trending right now, Scotty delivers the mix.
Scotty is one of the first Electro House acts - in Germany and The Nordic region he has a very high status - the biggest successes have been Scotty's versions of film themes such as "Braveheart" and "The Black Pearl".
The first version of THE BLACK PEARL and to follow up remixes have streamed millions and the "Scotty fan Crowd" is getting bigger and bigger for each remix
Among other successful tracks are "Sing hallelujah" (Scotty pres Yamboo feat Dr. Alban) or "More and More" (Scotty vs Captain Hollywood)
Set the sails and full speed ahead in the clubs and the charts join the unsinkable ship once again.
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